Decline to sign Referendum 71 | Letters

I’m eager to celebrate 40 years since the start of the gay equality movement. As a gay man, I believe the extraordinary advances of just the past year call for great celebration. After all, five states have legalized same-sex marriage since last summer, and our own state recently passed its expanded, “everything but marriage” domestic partnership bill.

But the past year has also seen some challenges. President Obama has yet to come through on many promises to the LGBT community. California voters passed Proposition 8 last November, banning same-sex marriages in that state. And sadly, opponents of gay equality have mounted a statewide push to repeal Washington’s domestic partnership law.

Referendum 71 would deny same-sex couples all the rights and benefits extended to them through domestic partnership. Proponents claim they are protecting Washington families, but the measure protects no one. Indeed, if passed, this referendum will do immeasurable harm to countless loving same-sex couples and their families.

I hope the looming threat of Referendum 71 will remind us all that serious challenges still lay ahead. I want to remind all Washingtonians that this measure will hurt thousands of families in our state, and encourage everyone to decline to sign the Referendum 71 petition.

Dan Thies, Seattle