Death of the conservative movement
This letter responds to columnist Angie Vogt’s harrowing account of liberal bias in the media (“Who’s reporting on reporters?” Oct. 25).
It should serve as a clarion call to all democrats (with a small “D”) to take action, lest we be deluded by the likes of the Associated Press, The Seattle Times, and — gasp — NBC!
While this tired claim arises every election cycle, I find it especially ludicrous only two years after the conservatives had consolidated every branch of government into their typical morass of greed, greed and more greed. Apparently, the financial meltdown, the crashed housing market and countless diplomatic failures we now suffer are due, not to the neo-con agenda, but to a vast media conspiracy to shroud George W. Bush and his cronies in a dim light. Please.
Does it occur to Ms. Vogt that most large media corporations are publicly held entities? That shareholders and board members tend to lean right, as opposed to left? More to the point, can anyone be taken seriously who argues that Fox News is the paragon of independent journalism? Remember, only a few years have passed since the United States invaded Iraq to flush it of Saddam Hussein and its weapons of mass destruction. While many saw this for the canard it was/is (after all, we propped up Saddam and gave him WMD so that he could kill Iranians for us), surveys showed that those people who received their news from Fox were more likely to believe that Iraq was linked to 911, that Iraq had WMD leftover from what we gave him, and that Saddam’s government was harboring al-Qaida. All of these baldfaced lies were spun into eternity by Fox News immediately after they left the president’s lips.
Now, all of the major news outlets seemed to parrot John McCain’s last gasp efforts to paint Barack Obama as an associate of terrorists, to classify him as a socialist, etc. Despite the levity of these notions, I have seen nary an example of media suppression. Granted, the majority of voters have laughed them out of sight and out of mind, but no liberal conspiracy network has endeavored to challenge them.
The real issue here, it seems, is that the conservative movement in this country is coming to its logically bitter end. Its bloated carcass will be committed to the annals of history after the election. This is, quite literally, a sea change election. And now, before its demise, conservatives cry “no fair” because the average American isn’t buying it anymore. Cry me a river.
Mike Malaier
Federal Way
Beautiful drive in Federal Way
I drive through Celebration Park almost daily and it has to be the most beautiful, short drive in the area.
Actually taking a walk would be great as well. It is such a peaceful setting. It is the best between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. heading south through the park. However, anytime during daylight hours is still worth it. This is an awesome time of the year to see the gorgeous trees that are changing colors and to see what beauty God created. The landscaping through the park is exceptional and I would like to thank the City of Federal Way for keeping this area excellent.
Laurie Lusink
Federal Way
Tribute to veterans
In humble thoughts of reflection,
We bow our head to pray,
To give thanks for the soldiers,
Who brought us peace today;
Through shed blood, pain and sorrow,
The awesome price was paid,
And gave to us, all their innocence
Crowned in an honored grave;
The voices of their spirits,
Ring out for all to hear,
“Freedom never comes free” my friend,
Its cost is very dear;
The memory of each sacrifice,
Is engraved in a thankful heart,
And service, never to be forgotten,
Indeed, each did his part.
And to each veteran who returned back home,
We extend our voice in praise,
Walk tall, my friend, in the warmth of the sun,
You have earned your honored days.
Robert J. Darrigan
Federal Way