Cartoonist must be a Republican | Letters

Cartoonist Frank Shiers (Feb. 22) lacks a certain precision when he mocks Gov. Jay Inslee by having Inslee do a chicken little on “A tank is leaking! A tank is leaking!”

Cartoonist Frank Shiers (Feb. 22) lacks a certain precision when he mocks Gov. Jay Inslee by having Inslee do a chicken little on “A tank is leaking! A tank is leaking!”

To be more precise, six tanks at Hanford are leaking. Where is what they are leaking going? What are they leaking? Where are the leaks relative to the Washington state water table?

If Shiers wants to gleefully chugalug a bunch of heavily irradiated water, let him have at it. Personally, I don’t care for the stuff and I would like to be assured that I’m not getting an atomic cocktail when I turn on my water tap.

Shiers seems to have a problem with actual facts and actual numbers. He must be a Republican.

Karen Hedwig Backman, Federal Way