Cap and trade, plus health care | Federal Way letters

Summer is over. All of us are turning to fall activities. That includes the politicians. They are headed back to Washington, D.C., to work their “magic.” I mean, spend money without ever knowing where it is coming from.

These are scary times. We have had one crisis after another. Attempts to solve them have been hurried and ineffective. The only progress being made is that we are losing big chunks of our freedom.

Right now, we are faced with two major issues. They are “cap and trade” and health care reform.

Supposedly, “cap and trade” is necessary to “save the environment.” Don’t believe it. Cap and trade will not save the environment. Instead, it will make a few politicians and their friends extremely rich. We lose another chunk of freedom.

Supposedly, health care reform is to improve our health care. Don’t believe it. Health care will not be improved. Health care priorities will be dictated by the federal government. If you do not have a sufficiently high priority, you get a pain pill. You die. Our lives will be changed forever. We will have lost another big chunk of our freedom.

I want to urge our politicians to slow down the process of passing these bills. Legislation that is life-changing should be carefully studied. Voters should be allowed their input.

I want to urge all voters to pay close attention to how our representatives vote on these issues. It makes no sense to re-elect representatives who cause large tax increases, but do not save the environment or improve health care.

Leo J. Thoennes, Federal Way