Can donkeys tame Federal Way’s wily coyotes? | Letters

Since we are not allowed to protect ourselves by shooting the coyotes, we have to adhere to City Hall’s advice. To rid ourselves of the coyote threat we must first get the donkeys out of City Hall.

An article in the Jan. 27 publication of the Federal Way Mirror caught, and held, my attention. Don Barovic, a Federal Way citizen, is being besieged by coyotes. These coyotes are killing Mr. Barovic’s livestock, and he, understandably, wants to kill them.

Upon voicing his concerns in a city council meeting regarding this serious problem, he received a frivolous suggestion. He was told he needed to get a donkey to keep the coyotes at bay. He was also told the city could help him locate a donkey.

Donkeys are historically ill-tempered and lacking in deportment. They are headstrong non-conformists and do not make good pets. Mr. Barovic doesn’t want to “tease” the coyotes; he wants to get rid of them. He doesn’t want the presence of a donkey to relocate the coyotes to plague his neighbors.  He wants the problem eradicated.

When coyotes have no fear of humans, they become a threat to them, and small children can easily become their prey. I watch them roaming freely through the parking lot a Federal Way High School. This is only 12 blocks from The Commons Mall. Unlike the animal services department, I am unable to discern the difference between the nice coyotes and the nasty ones.  Coyotes are not a nuisance; they are a threat.

Since we are not allowed to protect ourselves by shooting the coyotes, we have to adhere to City Hall’s advice. To rid ourselves of the coyote threat we must first get the donkeys out of City Hall.

Elaine Torrey, Federal Way