I know our cities struggle with any extra costs that are put upon their plate to care for our community.
After watching the news about the drowning last month at Lake Tapps, I am having to ask myself how can the community help itself and help to watch our children or anyone for that matter when swimming this summer.
First of all, whatever happened to the buddy system? I know that when I was younger, and I was with a friend or friends, we would watch each other’s backs. I think that people have just forgotten about the system and it’s so easy to explain to our kids and young adults. When you are swimming and your buddy has to leave the water for whatever reason, ask your buddy to get out with you because you care for them and you don’t want anything to happen to them while you are away from their side. Just remind each other that you are watching each other.
When you’re swimming, stay communicating and watch each other. It just makes sense, right? This doesn’t cost any money. It just takes a little time to explain to your children how the system works and it also reminds them about how we care for each other. This is a very simple action to take and it just may save a life. I do understand that our young people today aren’t all huggy with each other like we used to be in the good old days, but the buddy system is really important in any outing when you are with friends.
We know that when people go hiking, they usually have a buddy and they talk about safety procedures together. Let’s do the same thing when our kids head out to go swimming, either in a lake or a swimming pool. Just reminding them that they are each other’s keeper may help out a lot this summer and wouldn’t cost any money at all. It would be a small gesture, but the consequences are so valuable, as our children are.
Allison Vossler, Federal Way