Brokeback television

Letter to the editor

Recently I became aware of the same-sex commitment ceremony at the heart of the series finale of “Brothers and Sisters,” and the portrayal of those who uphold traditional marriage as bigoted and hateful.

You should know that this is a skewed view of public opinion on this issue. In almost every state where voters have had the opportunity to affirm the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman, they have done so.

While I do not oppose the right of anyone to enter a committed relationship with the person of his or her choosing, marriage between a man and a woman is, and always has been, reflective of God’s will for the family. I hope that in its third season this fall, “Brothers and Sisters” and other programming reflects the reality of marriage, and refrains from staging propaganda for a radical view of family. Thank you for considering my opinion.

Ray Koenig,

Federal Way