Big money backing Hickel | Letter

Where is all the money coming from that is funding Teri Hickel’s lavish political campaign?

Where is all the money coming from that is funding Teri Hickel’s lavish political campaign?

How much money is Teri Hickel getting from the Koch Brothers and the American Legislative Exchange Council and what is she obligated to do for them? Has she signed the anti-tax commandment of Grover Norquist, recipient of funding from many of America’s wealthiest corporations, and has Teri Hickel vowed to hobble the raising of revenues to keep our educational system alive?

Teri Hickel is financially backed by a shadowy group, Enterprise Washington, a secretive group that plays a funding shell game among its false front groups to hide the wealthy secret contributors by moving money from its clandestine political backers back and forth among Enterprise Washington’s murky political action committees.

How about a little sunshine on the political funding of Teri Hickel?

Karen Hedwig Backman, Federal Way