Be sure to run for mayor | Federal Way letters

Accountablility Comes to Town (ACT) partisans want to discourage Federal Way citizens from running for mayor should Proposition 1 for a “strong mayor” pass (“Sour grapes…” Mirror, Oct. 21). Don’t they support free American elections?

If Proposition 1 passes, plan to file for office with the King Coounty Board of Elections this December 2009 to be on the February 2010 special election ballot. As a registered voter and resident of Federal Way for at least one year, you too are qualified to run for the “strong mayor” office.

Should you win, as in “strong mayor” cities of Renton and Kent, you as the Federal Way “strong mayor” will receive a large salary and benefits. You, like in Renton and Kent, will be able to hire a chief administrative assistant for another large salary and benefits to do the real (city manager’s) work.

Proposition 1 just adds another layer of government and more executive salaries on to Federal Way’s taxpayers. Vote against Proposition 1 and keep our current, more economical council-city manager government in Federal Way.

Margaret Nelson, Federal Way