Over the past few weeks my wife Margery and I have received numerous oversized postcards that are intended to malign the image and reputation of incumbent state Rep. Teri Hickel. It is not clear who funded the attack cards because they are “gray PACs” associated with a labor union or the Democratic Party. As such, they have a PAC name but don’t reveal individual funding sources.
What is clear is that they are grossly negative, misleading, and smack of the same kind of negative campaigning taking place at the presidential level that most of us are just plain sick of. The attacks against Hickel are demeaning, mean-spirited, and inconsistent with the way we want to see people treat one another.
Hickel has served one term in the state house with distinction. She is solidly pro-education and pro-jobs and her record demonstrates that. She has been a Federal Way leader in various capacities and earned the respect of other community leaders for her achievements.
She not only deserves re-election; she has the potential to become a strong leader in Olympia. Margery and I have been active in Federal Way for 37 years, and we believe Teri is one of the best legislators we have ever had.
Pat and Margery Godfrey, Federal Way