Abortion etc. | Letters

Letter to the editor

Abortion etc.

The pro-abortion voting block votes for political leaders who will be “keepers of the lie.”

Pro-abort voters consistently and desperately vote for pro-abortion politicians. Pro-abort politicians are “keepers of the lie.”

Pro-abort politicians are elected to soothe pro-abort voters. The politicians will emphatically tell pro-abort voters that abortion is not murder. The politicians, usually, avoid saying abortion. Words like reproductive rights, women’s health care, and choice are used.

Unrepentant, post-abortive women, and men, vote to control the dialogue. Euphemistic words like choice, health and rights, are soft buzzwords that soothe them.

The devil is the father of lies and the devil is involved in this ruse. Abortion is murder, and a lot of good people fall into the abortion trap.

Spiritually, the good news is that God is merciful. God waits for wayward souls to repent and be free from sin.

Our society has been duped.

America, land of the free and home of the brave.

Are we brave enough to admit we have been wrong (about abortion)?

Mary Locke, Federal Way