A mayor who looks out for your interests | Federal Way letters

The council is fond of saying they have made a decision for the greater good of the uninformed public. You can bet that every time they have uttered those words, they have made a decision on projects (in Executive Committee meetings behind closed doors) that the citizens have already rejected. The decision was for their self-serving greater good, not for ours. Remember the cost overruns for Celebration Park and the unaffordable Community Center that we are still paying for? Now they’re wanting to build a performing arts and convention center at the cost of more than $72 million — at a time when we can least afford it.

Don’t define our “greater good,” council. To say you know what is good for us is offensive.

Beware, citizens, if Skip Priest wins the election for mayor, you’ll have more of the same. Priest has the same special interests as the majority voters on the council. That is why they sought him out to run for mayor. Priest is a politician who presently seems to have little opinion on any of the issues that mean so much to us. But, look out! That would change in a fat minute if he gets in office.

If you want a mayor who is looking out for your interests, you should take a good look at Jim Ferrell. Ferrell is a public servant.

Remember folks, we pay their salaries. They should be looking out for us.

Sheryl Nevers, Federal Way