Let the revolution begin! And let this be the first shot fired! It is time to expose and vote out all the socialists in American government to save the United States.
I define socialists as those representatives who promote the redistribution of our wealth, and that is surely unacceptable to those of us who work hard and play by the rules.
Let’s begin with Democrat Mark Miloscia, because in my opinion he fits my definition. In The Mirror on Feb. 21, was there not anyone who got the hell scared out of himself after reading that State Rep. Miloscia (D-Federal Way), who has the power to create laws that threaten citizens by force of imprisonment, by what standard decided who can “give up just a little of its enormous revenues” for mandatory governmental wealth redistribution?
Federal Way businesses, does this not send shivers up your bottom line? Because if you think that you’re immune from oppressive tax rates, or that you can control every government politician from now and into the future, you may be taxed out of business before you know it to support wealth redistribution.
American capitalists, don’t be tricked into believing that this is an issue pertaining to saving lives, medical care and helping truly needy people. Those are red herring words to create fear in you so you don’t oppose this view. After all, who could oppose such a noble quest? However, I believe the real purpose is to promote socialism and to redistribute our wealth.
Is this the type of government bullying that Americans have fought for, died for and want? Which companies will be guilty of “enormous revenues” next? And by which socialist government standard is “enormous revenues” measured? Why prosper if the reward is that governments will punish you by confiscating and redistributing your wealth to others? What constitutional principle states that American businesses and people shall be forced by their government to work for and to sacrifice their wealth for others? Is there anything more anti-capitalist?
Also, don’t get suckered into the meaningless argument that it’s the pornography industry, so then it’s OK to impose arbitrary and capricious laws against them. This is a socialist issue, plain and simple. And, if you make too much money, the government will devise the necessary means regardless of the industry to justify the confiscation of that industry’s wealth, then decide how to redistribute that wealth.
In further respect to the government taking our money and spending that money to help others, I believe that socialists fail to understand that each and every one of us is the product of the life’s decisions that we make, i.e. where you are in life is of your own making, so take responsibility for the choices you made. And those poor decisions on the part of an irresponsible person do not constitute an obligation on the part of responsible citizens to save the irresponsible from their consequences.
I believe also that socialists do not understand that the person who is a failure in life also has the same amount of hours in a day to be productive as the successful person in life; the failure just squanders the time. Failure is also a choice, worked for and earned. Rather than sympathize with the failures by immorally punishing those who succeed, let’s chastise those who suck off the system by exposing all the poor choices they made and have them man-up to their responsibilities.
I also think that socialists don’t understand that success is not a set of predestined circumstances. Success is obtained by sacrifice, hard work, perseverance and the strength to overcome a setback with even greater determination.
For those of you who do not understand the U.S. Constitution, let me tell you that nowhere in that document is text declaring that successful businesses nor successful people shall be belittled, chastised and looked down upon because of their success such that their wealth shall be confiscated by the government and given to those who have no right to that wealth. Again, if I took your money and gave it away, you would call me a thief. But, because you are the government, you think taking citizens’ and businesses’ money and giving that money to whomever you please is righteous. Isn’t it great to be able to define the terms?
So to begin this revolution, American patriots, let’s vote socialists out of office because redistributing wealth is surely unacceptable.
Frank Comito, Federal Way