90 minutes you won’t forget | Letter

A fabulous production just opened at Centerstage. “Shipwrecked!” is based on a true story, incredible as it seems and stars three amazing actors.

A fabulous production just opened at Centerstage. “Shipwrecked!” is based on a true story, incredible as it seems and stars three amazing actors.

Two of them play multiple roles in rapid fire scenes, simply with slight changes of costume, speech and body language. It is a study in drama through fascinating story telling, and great entertainment.

I would suggest that anyone who plans to see it, order your tickets now. It will likely sell out. I have seen most of the productions at Centerstage, and this definitely rates with the best of them.

Everyone at opening night was raving about it and agreeing it was very special. It’s 90 minutes you won’t forget.

Joann Piquette, Federal Way​