On March 24, Federal Way’s World Vision announced that after years of prayer it would employ homosexuals engaged in same-sex marriages. Then two days later, they announced a reversal of the reversal after negative feedback from donors threatening to cancel support and sponsorships.
I don’t believe that it was necessarily the impact of the donors that encouraged the reversal by way of their pocketbooks and I don’t believe they put much effort into praying. The original decision to allow married gays employment was more lead by the pocketbooks of taxpayers, by way of government matching funds that amount to tens of millions of dollars. The second reversal was likely led by top-named Christian evangelicals, who have had partnerships with World Vision.
World Vision has had homosexuals on their payroll in the past and still does today. Christians all over the net were condemning World Vision’s acceptance of homosexuals, calling them hypocrites and calling them sinners.
I wonder if those same Christians have problems with World Vision employing divorced, remarried, overweight and heterosexual domestic partners living together. Those are sins in God’s eyes as well. Sin is sin.
If a non-profit organization is going to pay people to do a job, or if they are going to accept government grants and receive IRS tax exempt status, they should not be able to discriminate based on ethnicity, age, marital status or sexual orientation.
Times are changing like it or not. The first board member has resigned; we should expect more in the coming weeks and maybe the CEO. Someone is ultimately responsible for reading God’s answer to prayer wrong. Hopefully this misguided decision won’t cost our city another vacant office campus.
Randall Smith, Federal Way