The proposed off-ramp at South 312th Street is clearly an unpopular proposal.
Not one of the attendees at the meeting March 3 supported it. The planning commission seems to mired in detail that they’ve forgotten what we’re trying to do. The data they’ve accumulated supports a very inaccurate premise.
Congestion is caused by people trying to get home. Their homes are in residential areas quite apart from the city center. South 356th Street bypasses the congestion of the city center and leads directly to these residential areas, and with only slight jogs is twice as long as South 312th Street, which dead ends at both ends.
Furthermore, an off-ramp at South 356th Street would relieve the intense congestion at Interstate 5 between Federal Way and Fife.
It may be said that it’s too late for such a plan. It is not too late to avert a serious blunder.
R.D. Amberson, Federal Way