I really cannot see why two unmarried people, straight over the age of 62, or lesbian and gays of any age who choose the lifestyle of living together and calling it a partnership or whatever, should be entitled to any of the legal rights of legally married people.
If anything should be changed, perhaps it should be a revision of the employee agency provisions regarding pensions, etc. Allow employees the right to designate assignment of benefits, etc., to beneficiaries, same as insurance companies. Would that satisfy everyone? Many of the other problems can be addressed by obtaining services of a good attorney like the rest of us.
It shouldn’t have anything to do with taxes. If it did, that would be discrimination against single people of both sexes who would be penalized because they do not choose to live with someone.
It’s nothing personal … I just don’t like laws changed to accommodate any specific group.
I wondered why we were called “straights” and decided to look up the definition to see if it was aptly applied. It is! Webster’s definition of “straight” in this respect is “conforming to justice and rectitude.” Then I had to look up rectitude: “Undeviating adherence to moral standards; uprightness’ correctness of judgment or procedure.”
I like that!
Now I guess we’ll be asked to vote on changing definitions in the dictionary to include non-conformists.
Aloise McDonald, Federal Way