As a younger woman, Kimberly DeMile, owner of the Federal Way Jazzercise franchise, set out to be a television newscaster until she stepped into an Arizona Jazzercise class 15 years ago.
“I was excited to find a class that was an incredible workout with music I could totally escape into,” she said.
DeMile went on to become a certified Jazzercise instructor and has been teaching its dance fitness classes ever since.
“The program provides a complete workout, including aerobic/cardio and strength training in one hour,” said DeMile, a former competitive high school gymnast.
“The best part is the connection and friendships people create with one another, making exercise fun,” she said. “It also provides support and accountability, which help people achieve their fitness goals.”
The month of May marks DeMile’s fourth year as owner of the local Jazzercise franchise and her 10th year in teaching Jazzercise. She added that she likes the flexibility that Jazzercise affords her as the mother of two children, ages 4 and 8.
To this observer, DeMile’s Jazzercise work also appears to incorporate aspects of her bypassed career in broadcast media — like connecting with her audience with an upbeat attitude, personality and engaging smile. She wears a microphone, too, and performs on a stage.
DeMile’s classes include a wide range of ages, from 17 to 70 years old.
“All movements can be altered to accommodate any fitness level, including tender knees and backs, and every class has low-impact options,” DeMile said.
Classes run Mondays through Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. in the King County Weyerhaeuser Aquatic Center banquet hall building. For more information, visit
Her future plans include adding a Junior Jazzercise program for children and Jazzercise Lite for older adults. DeMile has worked with both groups in her fitness career. She is a former employee of The Little Gym and she conducted exercise classes in an assisted living facility.
DeMile reminds the community that May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month.
“To help get people moving, we are dropping the joining fee on new EFT memberships during the month of May only,” she said.
“Jazzercise has become one of the largest and most successful dance fitness programs,” DeMile said.
The company has 7,500 instructors teaching more than 32,000 classes weekly in 32 countries. This year marks the company’s 40th anniversary. For more information, visit