Angels of America Home Care opens in Federal Way

Angels of America, a company that is committed to helping seniors stay in their own home safely and with dignity, recently opened at 1305 S. 312th St., Suite 202, Federal Way.

Angels of America, a company that is committed to helping seniors stay in their own home safely and with dignity, recently opened at 1305 S. 312th St., Suite 202, Federal Way.

Owner James Marino started the company after his experience with a close friend, who became sick. She wanted to stay in her own home, where it was familiar and her belongings and memories surrounded her to provide comfort. Marino looked into home care for his friend but was left feeling unsatisfied with what he found.

After his friend died, Marino wanted to do more for people who wanted to stay in their own homes for as long as safely possible. Angels of America is committed to helping people stay in their own homes. For more information, visit or call 253-946-8888.