Replacing your lawn with Northwest vegetation can be beneficial to homeowners and wildlife alike.
Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer is poised to keep his seat on the council.
Some of the most significant need for rental assistance in King County is in South King County, said Hedda McLendon,…
Washington state law requires hospitals to provide free care for certain income brackets.
Director Tamer Abouzeid presents OLEO annual report to law and justice committee on Tuesday.
Four COVID-19 variants are more likely to put you in the hospital, according to the Washington State Department of Health.
South King County has been slower to recover compared to North King County.
Shoppers will have the choice to pay for a reusable plastic or recycled paper bag.
The assault occurred around 8 p.m. Sep. 20.
Torgerson is running against incumbent Pete von Reichbauer in the Nov. 3 general election.
Incumbent is running against challenger Dominique Torgerson in the Nov. 3 general election.
An adult male was taken into custody, according to KC Sheriff’s Office.
State laws passed earlier this spring require police to have probable cause to engage in a pursuit.
Report analyzes 2019 killing of Anthony Chilcott by deputies.
Delta is the predominate strain in Washington.
New guidance comes as cases skyrocket in Washington and nation.
Their goal is to reduce pre-K expulsions.
Renee Davis was a 23-year-old mother of three and pregnant when she was killed.
Temperatures are expected to reach the upper 90s for the second time this summer.
Rally was scheduled in light of a recent attack at King County Courthouse.