There is a reason that Congress has a pathetic 10 percent approval rating, the lowest in history.
(EDITOR’S NOTE: On Friday, Sept. 26, a King County Superior Court judge rejected the lawsuit by Democrats regarding gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi’s use of “GOP” on the ballot, according to an AP report. The report said Democrats would not appeal. The commentary below by Angie Vogt was written and published before the ruling. — The Mirror)
Here is an Economics 101 lesson: If you’re hungry and you have $10 in your pocket, you should eat at Taco Bell, not the Olive Garden.
Did you hear that rumble last Tuesday night?
I once saw a T-shirt that said “People say I have ADD. I don’t know what they’re talking about — HEY LOOK! A chicken!”
Note: The following interview ran Aug. 12 on the Red County Washington blog and has been reprinted with permission. The Mirror has not endorsed a candidate for governor.
Nihilism: A philosophy that argues that life has no objective meaning or purpose, that no action is any more moral or immoral than another action.
I so, so wanted to believe it. Really I did. He is so handsome, so fresh and, well, truth be told, I want everybody to know that I embrace diversity. I’m hip, if you can dig it. I’m not afraid of change. That is, as long as by “change” Barack Obama and his followers are referring to a change in vision, a change in paradigm and perhaps a change of tone in Washington. Politics can be so grubby and nasty. Everybody wants to see the Jimmy Stewart, “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” movie come true.
We can now assume the campaign for Governor is official by the ads on TV and radio. You know the routine — ominous music plays in the background while the record of one candidate’s negligence and failures are listed. The video versions show the failed candidate in unflattering back and white images. Then comes “springtime” with happy music, maybe even glorious music, a smiling face of the other candidate with families, elderly persons and hardworking people in the assembly line. Happy days are here! Vote for this person, they will bring about the best of times and cast off the tyranny of the worst of times.
I wonder if you’ve seen this house comparison on the Internet (which has been verified as true by
Bear with me as I attempt to do the impossible: Tie together the founding principles of our national republic into…
So there’s this funny story that makes the regular repeat rounds among my friends regarding guns, crows and me.
First you need to know that I hate crows. They are the spawn of Satan, little more than rats with wings. Their prevalence in the Northwest gave me some pause when we first moved here 15 years ago, as it seemed to be a certain sign of a dark force over the region.
Some people might be surprised that in the early 1990s, I took a political turn into liberalism.
Some interesting conditions were in play that led to my slow and steady adoption of “government is the answer to all our ills” ideology.
I know the operative word for this coming election is “change.”
Nobody wants to look back — we usually strive to look forward. Still, there’s the biblical adage, “There’s nothing new under the sun,” and I can’t help but reflect on the issues we face in 2008 with respect to where we’ve been, at least within the context of my own adult life and voting history.
Twenty years ago, 1988: I was 24 and had voted for Ronald Reagan only once, in 1984, my senior year in college.
The words just popped into my head: “ A servant’s heart. These men have servants’ hearts.”
It kind of made me weepy, like a proud mother at the Oscars or at a wedding. Except, I was sitting in council chambers at the Federal Way City Council meeting. It was the usual monthly meeting. Nobody seemed especially excited beforehand, just the usual suburban folks listening in on what “the suits” had to say.
I went there with my husband, Col. Eric Vogt, to witness one of his Air National Guard troops take his oath of duty as a new Federal Way police officer.