Rose Jacobi and her daughter, Kate Olson, have raised $5,300 so far to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
Democrat Roger Flygare are running for state rep. position 1. Republican Katrina Asay and Democrat Roger Freeman are running for state rep. position 2.
A high school teacher in Federal Way was arrested Oct. 1 on charges of sexual misconduct with a student.
Craig Kielburger is a Canadian motivational speaker and activist who founded Free the Children, an organization that empowers youth. Just weeks after his last visit, Kielberger returned to Federal Way High School on Oct. 2 to lead the announcement of the first We Day in the United States.
Four clubs in the state will benefit, including the Federal Way Boys and Girls Club. A celebration was held Sept. 27 at the EX3 Ron Sandwith Teen Center in Federal Way.
There’s something about fall weather and chili — that spicy red stew and all-American comfort food.
Roger Flygare, a Democrat running for District 30 state representative, acknowledged that he made inaccurate statements about his military service.
Federal Way Discount Guns opened the long-awaited range on Monday on South 324th Street. The indoor range features top-notch ventilation and soundproofing, with more than a dozen lanes for target practice.
Michael Barrett, a lifelong Federal Way resident, sent this photo of his son’s whopper of a catch.
The Todd Beamer High School football team captured its first win of the season on Sept. 21, defeating Thomas Jefferson High School by a score of 6-3.
• Taurus (April 20-May 20): Avoid harboring hatred toward the now-defunct Tacoma smelter that polluted Federal Way parks with arsenic. For peace of mind, remember the lifetime of carcinogens you have already ingested, including car exhaust, paint fumes, fast food and cable TV news.
Jay Inslee, the Democratic candidate for Washington governor, discussed his health care platform Sept. 20 at the medical office of Dr. Ted Bridges in Federal Way.
Federal Way police report that two gas stations were robbed early Wednesday morning.
The debate continues over Federal Way’s traffic enforcement cameras — and how many drivers were wrongly ticketed.
The city accepts the mall’s parking lot as the de facto public gathering space. Let’s ask whether this parking lot venue is the best Federal Way can do.
The popular restaurant/sports bar franchise will open a 6,100-square-foot location at The Commons mall.
Did you notice that the Federal Way 320th Library isn’t there anymore?
On the morning of Aug. 23, law enforcement and federal wildlife agents raided a home at 32919 3rd Avenue SW, on the corner of SW 330th Street.
The Federal Way Farmers Market’s annual Charity Chili Cook-off returns, pitting the Federal Way police against South King Fire and Rescue for chili supremacy.
Federal Way’s 9/11 memorial, which includes a steel beam from the World Trade Center, will break ground next week.