Elected mayor movement revisited | Federal Way letters

Well, it’s that time again. Time to elect our city leaders. More to the point, it’s time to decide which of these people must go. Despite what the “Federal Way Works” bunch would want you to believe, the city is as dysfunctional as ever. The latest sign of course is the fact that after telling us so often and loudly about how great our city manager has been, and how we need him there, they got rid of him!

We should ask the question: Why was the police chief of all people chosen as the interim city manager? And what’s this? More city employees are expressing their desire to have an elected mayor. Hmmm.

The elected mayor initiative will be on the ballot again. Expect to see the same names on the list of those who oppose this. These are the people who don’t want any changes. Because they want you to believe “Federal Way Works.” Works for them maybe. How about the rest of us?

Tara A. Talley, Federal Way