From staff reports:
$60,000 in grant funding will be made available to communities in unincorporated King County, in an effort to help those communities better connect with each other and the region.
The grant awards will be up to $5,000 each, and can be used for such things as:
• Newsletters that inform residents about important issues affecting the community
• Events such as concerts, festivals and educational and safety programs
• Neighborhood improvement projects such as tree planting, graffiti removal and clean-up
• Community-led planning or training
• Signage for a neighborhood or community
The county notes that “proposals should demonstrate how activities would be accessible to all unincorporated King County residents regardless of race, income or language spoken.” In addition, 25 percent in matching funds or in-kind services will be required of any group seeking to take advantage of these grants.
Priority for funding will be given “to locally-based community-led organizations in the unincorporated Community Service Areas that encourage collaborations and partnerships in unincorporated King County.”
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