Twin Lakes result: 2 letters

Twin Lakes result is a shame

It’s difficult to understand the rationale of those who voted “no” on the Twin Lakes proposal. When my wife and I were looking for a house, we kept coming back to Twin Lakes because it had something that other communities didn’t have. It had (and still has) an aesthetic beauty, and it was always a delight to drive into Twin Lakes. The golf course is the crowning jewel of Twin Lakes — a real asset to our community.

I haven’t ever used the golf course, and even if I never did, I would hate to risk losing it. Paying $25 a month seems a very small price to pay for such a valuable asset and to protect my property value as well. Why that’s all of about 80 cents a day, less than you’d spend on a soft drink.

The failure of the Feb. 6 vote in favor of the proposal is very regrettable. It’s a shame that the “no” voters don’t recognize the value of the golf club.

Darrell Johnson, Twin Lakes


A second chance for Twin Lakes

Twin Lakes homeowners and neighbors, and members of the Twin Lakes Golf and Country Club, all have a second chance now. It’s a small chance, but it’s better than nothing.

On Feb. 6, Twin Lakes homeowners wisely voted down their board’s proposed doubling of annual dues in order to fund the Twin Lakes Golf and Country Club, a separate and distinct corporation. That ill-conceived “solution” to the golf club’s perennial money problems was knocked together by the two boards behind closed doors.

It was never the sole responsibility of the two boards to determine what all was wrong with the golf club. Nor did the two boards ever have the right to force their one flawed solution to the golf club’s mounting financial woes on homeowners.

We don’t know if the golf club can survive because we’re all in the dark. But we can do better. And maybe we still have time.

Both boards need to step back and let others, with other skills and other perspectives, get a good look of the golf club’s viability and options by scrutinizing its successful competitors, its books, its operations and its assets. Many talented, capable, concerned people live here and enjoy the presence of the golf club, whether they play golf or not. Let them have a go at it.

Michael McLeod, Twin Lakes