It is with baited breath that I wait for November’s congressional elections to roll around…if for no reason than to witness the self-inflicted carnage wrought upon what passes as the modern Republican Party. When will they ever learn? So much for trying to scare the American public with “death panels” or with fawning over Wall Street. So much with institutionalized homophobia (see their collective opposition to the repeal of “Don’t ask, don’t tell”) and organized race baiting. Of all the outright lies they’ve put forward this past year and a half, no one but the rabid extremists are buying anymore.
We can see that in the fact that, of the seven special House elections held under President Obama’s tenure, fully six have been won by Democrats. After all, who would believe a party so desperate as to simply make up facts. Raised taxes? We have the lowest in 60 years. “Illegal” immigrants causing a surge in Arizona crime? Again, not true (according to the FBI statistical record). “Illegal” immigrants draining the economy? You guessed it: Baloney (according to a comprehensive study completed in 2008 by the University of Arizona).
Perhaps the most telling symptom of the right’s utter demise is the fact that its leadership is now hopping on the tea party/libertarian bandwagon. I am positively giddy with anticipation to see how Republicans deal with the likes of Rand Paul and Sharron Angle — folks who make Sarah Palin sound well informed. The mainstream in this country does not support the legalization of racism in public accommodations, or the repeal of Medicare, or the gutting of Social Security, etc. When will they learn?
The answer is apparently never. Instead of trying to broaden their worldview in an attempt to woo those they’ve alienated for so long, they’ve chosen to double down on their anti-science/nativist/evangelical modus operandi. It shouldn’t work and it won’t. Talk about an exciting time to be an American!
Michael Malaier, Tacoma