Federal Way Mirror Female Athlete of the Week: Piper McMonigle

McMonigle is one of the most technical and expirenced player on the FWHS tennis team

The Mirror’s female athlete of the week for the week of April 19 is junior Piper McMonigle of Federal Way High School, tennis.

What is your favorite subject/class in school?


What additional activities/hobbies do you enjoy?

Tennis, Hiking, Soccer, Working out, Reading

Name your Mount Rushmore (Top 4) of Movies?

· My Neighbor Totoro, The Hunger Games, La La Land, Toy Story 4

You’re on a long road trip, you stop at a gas station. You get one drink and one snack. What are you choosing?

Trail Mix, and Orange flavored Vitamin Water

Describe your pre-game ritual and your favorite post-game meal.

Pre- Listen to Music, and Visualize corrections from previous matches

Post- Lasagna

Song you currently can’t stop listening to?

“See you again” by Tyler The Creator

From the sidelines: Piper McMonigle has been the anchor of the 2024 FWHS girls tennis team and it is hard to imagine how the squad would look without her. Not only is she a standout player on the lineup, playing competitively against the top singles players on opposing teams before moving to winning hard-fought doubles matches, but she is also a leader for her teammates. As one of the most technically experienced tennis players on the FWHS courts, she has been quick to volunteer to work with new players, demonstrating technique and even feeding balls to allow more play across the courts. Her influence has helped raise the level of play all the way down the roster. As such, she deserves to be recognized as an outstanding athlete and amazing teammate.