From staff reports:
Twelve local community organizations and school districts will receive $4 million a year for the next five years in an effort to give students academic help before and after school, according to the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).
The $4 million is coming from the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program, a federally funded program aimed at “academic and enrichment opportunities in high-needs neighborhoods” outside of school hours.
In Federal Way, Totem Middle School and Star Lake Elementary will receive additional funding through this grant. According to OSPI, as part of the Puget Sound Educational Service District (PSESD), Totem and Star Lake will be eligible for a piece of $500,000 the next five years, along with two schools in Tacoma.
“It’s making connections and helping kids,” said Claire Wilson, Federal Way School Board member, referencing the before/after school nature of the programs funded by the grant money. “It’s providing support services, as well as activities, but also has a focus on academic support.”