It is increasingly rare that people stand up against more and bigger government seeking an ever deeper reach into your pocket.
For example, only two members of the Federal Way City Council wisely voted against taking more of your money in exchange for the estimated $2.3 million enticement (bribe) offered to secure their support.
Metro has proven over and over they will deceive you to get more money. Many times in the past 14 years Metro came to the voters promising more service if you would just raise taxes. Instead, we have a trail of broken promises, the highest paid drivers in the country and repeated apologies for failing to keep routes open and fares down.
The Seattle Times editorial board gave a surprising show of integrity when it came out against Propositioin 1. Recognizing the repeated lies related to the string of broken promises dating back to 2000, 2006, 2008 and 2013, one newspaper said no.
Instead of making Metro clean up its act, reduce unnecessary overhead and keep its promises, Proposition 1 includes a kickback to local municipalities in exchange for endorsements.
For this kickback, many cities are willing to greedily encourage their residents to pay millions more than they will see services for. In the case of Federal Way, your Council members opted to tax you over $5.75 million in return for a mere $2.3 million check, sucking more than $3.4 million out of you and sending it to Seattle.
All of the propaganda for the measure says they “could” cut a few routes here and there, not that they would. Are you willing to increase your annual taxes, in a world where nearly every jurisdiction is adding new taxes and increasing others, by an estimated $120 each year for the next 10 years?
This is a vehicle tax, not a car tax. Reading the definition of a vehicle as cited on the ballot measure means cars, trucks of all sizes, motor homes, tandem axle travel, boat and utility trailers.
Until Metro cuts waste, which their own facts say they have, I urge a responsible vote on Proposition 1.
Vote no.
Jerry Galland, Prop 1 opposition committee