We are truly sad about Metropolitan Market closing at the end of this month.
We have shopped there since its opening five years ago. Some people just don’t seem to understand what a quality store brings to our community. It provided a wealth of store items for everyone’s fancy, from competitive price levels to upscale specialties.
The store was a delight the moment you walked in to experience the fresh appearance, wide selection of products and a truly wonderful hot bistro. The knowledgeable service-oriented people were always happily available to help and answer questions. I cannot find this quality experience in similar Federal Way store experiences.
A great number of people who did not shop expressed the perceived notion that the store was high priced, or it was too upscale for them. It was difficult to change their opinion. One might say that perhaps the Metropolitan management did not portray the right message for the demographics of Federal Way. On the other hand, the Metropolitan family of stores are extremely successful everywhere else they open.
Why is it we cannot encourage new businesses and keep them? Why do I have to go to Kent or Southcenter to find a decent restaurant other than fast food? I think a good deal of shame can be blamed on our local city council and the way they continue to run this city. We really need people with vision (perhaps Jim Ferrell) to be pro-active and drive this community. Unfortunately, this is again another story that we will now have to endure for another year.
We are sorry to see 65 well trained employees — the payroll and taxes — leaving our city. No doubt we will continue to see more closing of businesses at the Dash Point Village and elsewhere in Federal Way.
Neil Corbin, Federal Way