Federal Way Police Department seeks citizens’ input for 2014 survey

The Federal Way Police Department is committed to assessing the quality of the services residents receive from the department.

The Federal Way Police Department is committed to assessing the quality of the services residents receive from the department.

The department’s last survey of the community was in 2011. The department reviews all comments with an objective view and implements suggestions to improve the Federal Way Police Department’s service and meet the needs of the community.

Some example of these suggestions that were implemented is the Shopping Cart Recovery program staffed by police volunteers, and the Special Operations Team (bicycle officers) in the downtown core and neighboring parks.

During the 2011 survey, a consistent message was to provide officers additional cultural diversity and mental health training. These suggestions resulted in new training curricula for a number of diverse cultures and multi-day mental health training.

The police department always strives to meet the needs of the community and provide the best service possible.

Citizens are urged to take a few moments to let the police department know how they are doing and offer suggestions to make Federal Way the best city to live, shop and own a business.

To access the survey, click on the link: http://kwiksurveys.com/app/rendersurvey.asp?sid=cmomlqyetlv4eva357995&refer=