I am concerned about the Federal Way School Board | Letters

This school board does not have the children of this community's best interest at hand and I am quite concerned.

I am concerned about the Federal Way School Board and if they are the best choice for this school district to conduct its business fairly.

Is it fair that the community, parents and students are allowed three minutes to speak at board meetings? Do you want to hear what we have to say?

Is it fair that you spend thousands of dollars in other countries — when brown, rusty drinking water runs from some school faucets, and there are cold dirty restrooms, crowded classrooms, shared nurses, not enough teacher assistants, failing test scores, and the list goes on and on.

Is it fair that this district built a brand new administration building, when schools need to be rebuilt?

This school board does not have the children of this community’s best interest at hand and I am quite concerned.

Katherine Williams, Federal Way