Last July 2014, Lion John Kirry introduced a Lions International program called One Shot One Life to raise money to prevent measles worldwide.
Each measles shot costs $1 and saves one life. Kirry was a pilot for US Airways and knew Sully Sullenberger, the pilot who landed his plane on the Hudson River in an emergency. Sully signed a US Airways captains hat to be awarded to the club who raised the most money.
The Kent Lions Club decided that they would match all donations from 48 local Lions clubs.
Federal Way Lions among others gathered a total of $46,040.
The Kent Lions matched that for a total of $92,081.
The big kicker is the Gates Foundation matched that so the grand total raised was $184,162. So through the efforts of Lion John Kirry and 1,446 other Lions, 184,162 lives will be saved because one man had a dream to serve mankind.
The Kent Lions drew an overflow audience when they recently received the Sully Hat.
Dorothy Burt, Federal Way Lions president