I’m amazed that the city is proposing the budget be reduced by cutting the police force!
As the economy sours, the crime rate will probably rise as more people are forced into petty (or serious) crime to put food on the table. If the force is cut, the criminals will get the upper hand on society. We may never re-establish control when the economy recovers. As crime rises, the number of officers on “paid administrative leave” (what a joke: there’s certainly something that could be done to earn their pay) will increase, further increasing the criminals’ opportunities. Present officers need to stay employed in our town, not look for work elsewhere.
I suggest the police fund the department on a “pay-as-you-go” basis, where the present fee schedule for offenses is adjusted to cover the costs encountered. Yes, the schedule is probably set by the state through a myriad of political influences. Fix it. Some process sets the fees — modify the process so that a full police force can be maintained. Fines, if presently paid to the general fund budget, should be re-directed to the police.
Terry Slaton, Federal Way