It does not surprise me that you wish to form an editorial board for the paper (“The Mirror forms editorial board,” Dec. 29). You probably took a real beating when you endorsed Jim Ferrell for Federal Way mayor. Your endorsement was the correct one, in my opinion, but I am sure you ruffled some feathers of those in this city who would rule everything if they could get away with it. (And, they have. With their cohorts making up the majority on the Federal Way City Council, they have managed to arrange to get everything they want.)
Yes, all the things that make up a nice city, all the things we all wish to have … eventually. But we cannot afford them all now.
My reason for writing is to caution you to make sure you include some sound thinking individuals who realize that the citizens should not be bearing the cost for every whim that crosses their minds. It is customary for cities to build a business base and use those taxes to grow the amenities. We don’t even have a viable city yet, and they just keep raising taxes of the citizens to pay for all the niceties. Businesses do not stay here; there must be a reason for that. That subject would make a good investigative subject for an article.
Unfortunately, those of us who have watched this happen over the past 20-plus years since we have become a city, and are willing to speak up, are few in number. They call us the vocal minority. They are the vocal majority, with the money and the powerful positions. There are those who want to build a Bellevue. Apparently it has not occurred to them that Bellevue sustains businesses, and we do not.
So please, choose with care. Think of all the people who have harrassed you because of things you published; all those that called to complain about your choice to endorse for mayor; all those you have had coffee with, who have complained because your publication may not have favored them or their interests. All those who have tried to bribe you. Think of them, and please do not choose them for positions on the board. My sixth sense tells me they are trying to “buy” the paper now, to ensure that no waves are made in their plans.
I love my hometown paper. I, for one, do not want it to change. I want it to remain unbiased.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sheryl Nevers, Federal Way