Update on homicide case
A male nursing assistant is being held on $1 million bail in connection with the March 18 homicide of Federal Way resident Jane Britt, 75.
The suspect, Joseph Njonge, appeared in court April 8. Njonge was employed by Garden Terrace Alzheimer Center, the home where Britt’s husband resides. He is a Kent resident and was linked to the case through a DNA sample police collected from Britt’s body.
Federal Way police arrested the 24-year-old Kent resident April 3 for investigation of murder, Federal Way police Cmdr. Stan McCall said. Probable cause for a robbery charge was also found, according to court documents. No charges had been filed as of press time April 7. Check www.fedwaymirror.com for updates.
Britt was found dead March 19 in her car, parked outside the Garden Terrace. She had visited the center the previous day to see her husband. The cause of death was strangulation by ligature, according to the King County medical examiner Dr. Richard Haruff.
The suspect was linked to the case through skin and blood DNA samples police collected from underneath Britt’s fingernails, according to court documents. A Costco card belonging to Britt’s husband was also found in possession of the suspect at his time of arrest, according to court documents.
The suspect denies slaying Britt or having any contact with her that could have led to his DNA being found on her body.
Earth Day clean-up gets rescheduled
Earth Day clean-up activities at Lakota Creek have been delayed until April 26 due to the low number of registered volunteers for the event, originally planned for April 19.
Surface water management staff and volunteers will walk the stream removing litter and debris that can potentially damage water quality, block fish passage and or cause flooding and erosion of the stream bank.
To participate in this event, contact Don Robinett at (253) 835-2752 or Donald.Robinett@cityoffederalway.com.
Volunteers sought for AmeriCorps
The AmeriCorps program is seeking volunteers for the 2008-2009 team.
AmeriCorps members serve students in Federal Way schools by tutoring, developing before- and after-school programs and providing community service. Each member receives a $925 monthly stipend, health benefits, training, federal student loan deferments, childcare, and a $4,725 education award.
Visit www.americorps.org or call (253) 945-2271.
Free SAT review
DeVry University will host a free SAT review for high school students from 8 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. April 19 at DeVry University, 3600 S. 344th Way.
The course will prepare students to take the SAT writing, critical reading and mathematics exams. Visit www.sea.devry.edu/
outreach_satreview.html or call Jodi Handley at (253) 943-3056.