“Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.”
This quote illustrates the purpose of the cultural liaison positions that were created by the City of Federal Way.
The roles of the Korean and Hispanic liaisons are to improve lines of communication between the different cultures in our community. Facilitating communication between each other encourages tolerance, promotes equality and builds a bridge of understanding between all Federal Way residents. Everyone benefits when we create awareness of other cultures because overall understanding and cooperation increases in the community.
It is a priority for the city to meet the needs of all citizens, provide equal access to all services, and also create a medium so that each resident has a voice in our city’s management.
The mission of the city’s Diversity Commission effectively illustrates the desire for a community where everyone is included: “It is our aim to help Federal Way in becoming a community which is united amidst diversity, where each individual is respected, equally valued, equally needed and equally cherished. Equality is not sameness, it is equivalent value.”
This space will be utilized as another medium for improving communication — specifically, by informing the Federal Way residents of the issues, events and concerns related to the Hispanic community.
I hope this column will be informational and will provoke discussion, and ultimately action, on how all residents can be made to feel accepted here in Federal Way.
Este espacio se utilizará como otro medio para mejorar la comunicación: Específicamente para informar a los residentes de Federal Way de los asuntos, eventos y preocupaciones relacionados con la comunidad Hispana. Espero que este artículo provoque discusión, además de acción, sobre como crear tolerancia y comprensión para todos los residentes de Federal Way.
Teniel Sabin is the Hispanic community liaison for Federal Way. Contact: (253) 835-2613 (English) or (253) 835-2606 (Spanish) or teniel.sabin@cityoffederalway.com.