Democrats in D.C. and Olympia | Federal Way letters

This is concerning Andrew Villeneuve’s column on Feb. 13 (“Oligarchy and the Party of No”).

He maintains that Republicans are the “Party of No” and in D.C. have prevented the Senate from doing anything. The fact is that the Democrats had a wide majority in both houses of Congress all last year and could have passed any bill they wanted. They were unable to do so because they could not get their own party to agree on legislation, primarily because most Americans are opposed to the radical agenda they tried to ram through. Now that they no longer have the super majority, all of a sudden the Democrats want bipartisanship. They maintain that if the Republicans reject the agenda, they are the obstructionists. Give us a break.

Amazingly, Mr. Villeneuve denigrates the voters of the State of Washington by supporting the State Senate’s revocation of I-960. Angie Vogt’s column “Giving the fiscal middle finger” (also in the Feb. 13 issue) does a much better job of refuting his discussion of I-960 than we could ever do, but we just have to comment how offended we are by his portrayal of the State Senate as “noble” in their action, in direct contravention to the wishes of the voters. Both the Democrats in D.C. and in Olympia seem to be indifferent to the wishes of their constituents. What’s happened to government of the people, by the people and for the people? We’re with Ms. Vogt — let’s “vote the bums out.”

We’ll gladly be part of the Party of No in light of the agenda the Democrats are pushing.

W. & E. Ingbrigtsen, Federal Way