Federal Way school district seeks parent feedback on survey

Federal Way Public Schools is seeking feedback from families through a family partnership survey that runs through April 24.

Federal Way Public Schools is seeking feedback from families through a family partnership survey that runs through April 24. The survey asks parents about parent engagement, school resources, influence on school decision-making and other key topics.

Interim Superintendent Sally McLean said, “Every family has a voice in Federal Way Public Schools’ ongoing pursuit of educational excellence. Engaging in an ongoing two-way dialogue is critical as we work together to provide our students with the best possible education.”

The survey is accessible via the district’s Your Voice Counts page at www.fwps.org/yourvoice. The survey can be taken in English, Spanish, Russian, Korean and Vietnamese.

All feedback will be confidential and anonymous to district staff, so parents can feel comfortable answering openly. Results will be delivered collectively only, and no individual data or identifying information will be in any report.

Once the survey closes on April 24, the district will share the findings.