If I could, I’d vote for Flygare | Letters

I have worked with Roger Flygare for more than 14 years and have come to know him quite well.

I have worked with Roger Flygare for more than 14 years and have come to know him quite well.

Not only have I gotten to know the Roger Flygare that everybody sees waving signs, or the Roger Flygare that is knocking on your doors, or when you see him at the Federal Way Farmers Market, but the man I got to know is much more than a boss or even a friend.

Roger has been doing so many things for so many people without looking for recognition or being in the spotlight. He just gets things done.

I am a single father who has raised two children since they were 5 and 3, and they are now 25 and 22. Roger has had more than a hand on their upbringing and types of people they have become.

Not only does Roger care and lends his helping hand in those types of things for me that are very noticeable by my family, but he does those kind of things for others without being noticed or looking for praise. He just does it.

I have lived in Federal Way in the past for about six years and have worked here for 11 years and have visited the Federal Way area for most of my 46 years. I know the kind of person Roger Flygare is. Things he is concerned for and cares about are the same things you are concerned about and care for. I have said this to many people along my journey here, and that is Roger cares about you.

So, if I could vote, I would vote for Roger Flygare for Federal Way City Council position 3, but I would also vote Roger Flygare my mentor, a man that does so much for so many, including me.

Chris Lewis, NE Tacoma