Bill Feldt, International Chair for Rotary District 5030 and a Federal Way Noon Rotary member, announced the completion of the Federal Way Noon Rotary’s international project of the first solar water well in Sindigu, Ghana, Africa. The project was a combined effort with World Vision U.S. and World Vision Ghana.
The well, completed in April, enabled the village of Sindigu to turn on a solar pump and fill a 10,000-liter tank and let water flow into buckets. Previously, retrieval of water in the village meant half-mile treks to a hand pump and carrying 30-liter buckets up a hill by the women of the village. The new pumping system will provide the village with 40 liters of water per person each day.
The Federal Way Noon Rotary had the vision, but the partnership with World Vision provided local expertise in Ghana as well as the financial resources to take the Rotary dreams and make them real. Always on Solar and the Northwest Solar Group also provided financial support and encouragement.