The Mirror mentioned that the editorial board almost didn’t endorse Roger Flygare in the 30th District race.
The editorial board said it was because of “Flygare’s misstatements about his military service” and “that he needs to work on his history lessons.” Embellishing one’s military record goes to the issue of truthfulness and this is what is disturbing.
My family is a military family. I was an Army nurse and my husband flew into Vietnam as a Navy pilot. Our son flew the Army Apache Helicopter and was killed in Iraq. His son, our grandson, now flies for the Air Force.
None of us or our military friends have brain lapses about our time spent in the military. The only people I know who misstate their records are those who feel the need to embellish their backgrounds for political status.
I’ve known Linda Kochmar for 30-plus years. The Mirror’s statement that “Kochmar’s integrity and dedication to public service is admirable” was right on. I know her to be intelligent, sincere and honest. She has been actively working for her constituents, not just the special interest groups. She has the education and experience to effectively represent all the citizens.
Why take a chance on a candidate who has “brain lapses?”
Grace Leach, Auburn