As an over-50 disc golfer who was around for the introduction of the sport of Frisbee golf (folf) in the 1970s, I feel that Mr. Larsen (letters, Feb. 26) has missed an important aspect of the sport: community.
Are disc golfers expected to dress as “country clubbers” or sport teams? We dress for the outdoors and the conditions we might encounter. We bring along beverages and snacks to curb hunger and dehydration. It’s called being prepared.
We spend the same “real” money that the soccer moms spend at McDonalds or 7-Eleven for their players. Us older players even go to the same watering holes for a pint as those tavern leaguers.
Disc golf is “cheap” entertainment. Does every form of entertainment have to be costly? Aren’t parks supposed to be for all? We meet new acquaintances and forge lasting friendships.
Mr. Larsen and company must be great tossers. My best time for a solo run through the Auburn course is about 45 mins. With a group of friends and family, an enjoyable game is usually 1 1/2 to 2 hrs.
I have played courses from Aberdeen, Wash., to Aberdeen, S.D. You don’t just turn around and go home. You explore the city you’re in, find places to eat and sleep.
The tone I get from Mr. Larsen is that he did not enjoy his disc golfing experiences. Was it the weather? The outdoors? Was he just having a bad day? Or was everything about it beneath his interest?
Disc golf courses are sponsored by, built by and maintained by volunteers. I have yet to see any form of park or city employee doing any kind of work at a disc course in any city or state I’ve played. Its called community.
As a longtime scouter in the area, my first thoughts upon reading about the proposal for a course was “Eagle Scout projects.” Federal Way has benefited from many hours of scout service through the leadership of Eagle projects. Scouts, working in accordance with park personnel and guidance by the course designer, supplying the labor. Sounds like a win-win to me.
A boondoggle for the city maintenance department? Sounds like community to me.
Alan Baker, Auburn