Mayor Priest is the right person for the job | Letters

I have known Mayor Skip Priest for many years and I believe he is the type of public servant that I want to have running our city.

I have known Mayor Skip Priest for many years and I believe he is the type of public servant that I want to have running our city.

One of my first recollections of the mayor was when he was on the city council in the early 1990s. We were a new city back then and a community effort was made to build the big toy at Steel Lake Park. This included its construction. Mayor Priest did not come just to be seen and do a walk around; he worked alongside everyone else to get the big toy built.

Mayor Priest is a member of my Kiwanis Club, and over the 24 years I have known him, there were many similar community projects he has been involved with. Helping raise money for defibrillators for all our high schools, and a flagpole at Celebration Park are just two of these projects that he has been involved in.

If I were asked to define the mayor’s best characteristic, it is his commitment to serve his community. It is this characteristic that has made him a community leader long before he ever thought he might someday become the elected mayor of Federal Way.

He is the right person for the job. Please re-elect Mayor Skip Priest for mayor.

Bob Kellogg, Federal Way