Former District 30 Legislature candidate Jerry Galland placed signs in our community that told voters to expect a 66 percent increase in our taxes if Prop. 1 passed. I believe he deceived the voters into thinking there would be a 66 percent increase in all of their property taxes, not just the part for South King Fire and Rescue. Well he succeeded in getting what he wanted, which was the defeat of Prop. 1. So how is he going to feel when a friend or loved one of his needs an aid vehicle, and it takes 5 to 10 minutes longer because the fire district had to take one aid car out of service to cut back on expenses, and the other aid cars are busy? He did a great job with such a small budget. Now we all have to live (or die) with his success. The sadder part of this story is that only a little over 21,000 people voted on this measure.
Ronald Vandenberg, Federal Way