Later this month, Federal Way will swear-in our city’s first elected mayor. To Skip Priest and his family, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt congratulations and wish him success in this new and important office.
This election was a major milestone for this community. We engaged in a vigorous debate over the differing visions and approaches for the future, all along having the best interests of this city in common. This was a victory for the democratic process, and I enjoyed connecting with so many thousands of you on what your priorities are for the future of this community.
As a member of the Federal Way City Council, I pledge to help our mayor in any way that I can to make your visions a reality, and to ensure his success. I will work with Skip and my colleagues on the council on the important issues facing our community and finding solutions to our fiscal challenges.
One year ago, I championed the cause of electing our mayor, and I truly believe that this change will greatly benefit our city. I learned a great deal during this campaign, and I am a better person for it.
As this election comes to a close, so does a chapter in my life. I want to also take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude to all of those who supported me, voted for me, and for some, stood in the cold and rain (and sun, on occasion) holding a yard sign or knocking on a door on my behalf. Your support, encouragement and well wishes have meant the world to my family. We will never forget your generosity of spirit, and dedication to the future of this city.
As we move forward, I call upon my supporters and the citizens of Federal Way to come together and support the work of our new mayor, Skip Priest.
When we stand together, we can create great things for the future of Federal Way. Thank you.
Jim Ferrell, Federal Way City Councilman