Don’t make veterans look like zombies | Federal Way letters

(RE: “Housing caters to Federal Way area veterans,” April 6):

While your article was informative and carries good news, I find the statement “veterans confront unimaginable hardships once they return from war” a blanket statement applied to our population that is overwhelmingly more false than true.

Most veterans have not and will not experience traumatizing war during their two to three years of military service. Further, the statement “trained to take lives, they must learn how to reintegrate into society” is so blatantly wrong that it could be attributed to only one who has no idea of what they speak, well intentioned or not.

I don’t know of one veteran — and I’m well connected to the veteran community — who has had to “learn how to reintegrate into society” (whatever that may imply) after leaving the military. Not one! Making veterans look like zombies who were trained to kill and then required re-programming before we could be “let out in public” does us a great disservice.

Ray Stewart, Federal Way