Karate champ, basketball clinic, youth soccer and baseball | Federal Way sports briefs

Karate kid earns more medals

Federal Way resident Kiel Hicks, 12, returned from the Junior Pan American Games held in El Salvador the first week of September.

Hicks won a spot on Team USA after receiving three medals in the USA National Karate Federation National Championships.

Hicks received a bronze medal for Kumite (males under 40 kg).

Hicks is now preparing for a trip to the U.S. Olympic Training Center. Hicks was one of 40 athletes selected to live and train with Olympic athletes for one week. He leaves in November.

Team USA placed second overall, an improvement over last year when the team came in third.

Basketball clinic

Thomas Jefferson High School will facilitate a basketball clinic to help athletes prepare for the upcoming season. Training will focus on shooting, ball handling and competition. Boys and girls between ages 9 and 18 can participate in the event. Training will be held at the high school on Saturday, Oct. 10. Visit www.nbccamps.com to pre-register for $65, or register at the door for $75. To learn more, e-mail Kyle Templeton: kyletempleton@hotmail.com.

Youth soccer

The Federal Way Boys and Girls Club is currently enrolling youth in grades kindergarten through six for the 2009 Fall Season Soccer League. The deadline for registration is Sept. 21. Late registration will be accepted on a space available basis. Season runs Sept. 22 through Nov. 14 (kindergarten is Oct. 3 through Nov. 7). Register online at www.fw-bgc.org or in person at 30815 8th Ave. S., Federal Way. Cost is $60 for grades 1-6 ($55 for kindergarten), plus $20 annual club membership fee. Games are on Saturdays only. To learn more, call Dolan Holt: dholt@positiveplace.org or (253) 681-6514.

Triple Play Baseball Club

Triple Play Baseball Club will conduct private tryouts for 14u, 16u and 18u. Fill out the “player prospect” form online at www.Tripleplaybaseballclub.com or call (253) 249-9359.